Lucy Temple
Lucy Temple
Project manager and senior research associate
About Lucy Temple
MSc. Lucy Temple is a research associate at the Center for E-Governance at the Danube University Krems. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Sector Innovation and E-Governance from the universities of KU Leuven (Belgium), WWU Münster (Germany) and TalTech (Estonia), and a graduate degree in International Relations from Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina). Her research focuses on Smart Sustainable Cities, co-creation of public services, inclusive governance models, technology adoption models, and citizen motivation to co-create. She has previously worked as the institutional liaison for the Secretariat of Productive Transformation at the Ministry of Production in Argentina, focusing on government support for the technological transformation of the private sector in Argentina, as well as participating in the Digital Transformation taskforce for the G20 and B20 during the Argentine Presidency. Moreover, she was responsible for International Cooperation at CIPPEC, a renowned public policy think tank in Argentina, focusing on research proposals and project management for projects financed by international organizations.

Related capabilities


Inclusive governance models
ICT tools for integrated public service co-creation
Mobile cross-border services
Smart cities

Related research


Research type

Towards Identifying Factors Influencing Mobile Government Adoption: An Exploratory Literature Review
Mobile government enhances public sector activities by using mobile technologies, such as handheld devices, smartphones, and laptops that promise anytime, anywhere services. Mobile government solutions are successful if many us...

Date and author(s)

019 July, 2024
Lucy Temple

Research type

Towards a Transdisciplinary Evaluation Framework for Mobile Cross-Border Government Services
The evaluation and assessment of project results and their impact are still a recurring challenge in the digital government discipline. Many technologically driven projects or products have faced challenges, where the technolog...

Date and author(s)

030 August, 2024
Lucy Temple

Related insights

Strategies to advance the digital transformation and delivery of user-centred digital public services
The public sector is under pressure to modernise and deliver digital services that meet the needs of citizens. However, there are many barriers to ...
10 January, 2023
Lucy Temple

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