

The company is committed to creating a positive impact through conducting innovative research and engaging in constructive communication with the general public and political leaders regarding economic and social concerns.

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China and its Central Bank Digital Currency
This report is part of a FES publication series, which examines Beijing’s strategy in a range of different global policy fields. The overarching theme of the series is the future of multilateralism in light of China’s rise to world power...
7 February, 2024
Nadim Baker
Framework for Analysing Knowledge Critical to Organisational Resilience Capabilities
In turbulent and constantly changing environments, it is critical for organisations to establish strategies to strengthen their resilience. Although knowledge is recognised as a key resource for resilience capabilities, there is a gap in...
3 November, 2024
Bruna Fraga
Building Understanding of Municipal Operations Centers as Smart City’ Initiatives: Insights from a Cross-Case Analysis
Cities around the world have been facing complex challenges from the growing urbanization. The increase of urban problems is a consequence of this phenomenon, added to the lack of policies focusing in citizens' well-being and safety. Mun...
11 January, 2024
Luiza Schuch de Azambuja
Smart Sustainable City Roadmap as a Tool for Addressing Sustainability Challenges and Building Governance Capacity
Building smart sustainable cities initiatives requires governance capacity, which is constantly challenged by a diversity of actors and the transformation towards a digital society; however, the process of identifying the conditions for ...
27 December, 2024
Luiza Schuch de Azambuja
Towards a Transdisciplinary Evaluation Framework for Mobile Cross-Border Government Services
The evaluation and assessment of project results and their impact are still a recurring challenge in the digital government discipline. Many technologically driven projects or products have faced challenges, where the technology is advan...
30 August, 2024
Lucy Temple


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