Operational and financial planning
Operational and financial planning


Operational and financial planning is a service that helps business owners manage their operations and finances in a strategic and efficient manner. This service includes analysing current financial and operational data, identifying areas for improvement, and creating a comprehensive plan to achieve financial goals and improve overall business performance. The service may include financial forecasting, budgeting, and cash flow management, as well as identifying and implementing cost-saving measures and streamlining operations. It may also include ongoing monitoring and analysis to ensure the plan is being effectively executed and to make any necessary adjustments. The end goal is to help the business become more profitable, sustainable and efficient, both in operational and financial terms.


Initial Consultation: The first step in the operational and financial planning service is to meet with the client to understand their business and its current financial and operational state. This includes gathering financial statements and other relevant data, as well as discussing the client's goals and objectives for the business.
Data Analysis: Next, the team from Oak Digital Consulting will analyse the data collected during the initial meeting to identify key financial and operational trends and areas for improvement. This step may include analysing financial statements, creating cash flow projections, and identifying areas of inefficiency or unnecessary expenses. Data from the competitor analysis may also be used here.
Planning: Based on the data analysis, Oak Digital Consulting will develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the identified areas for improvement. This may include financial forecasting, budgeting, and cash flow management, as well as identifying and implementing cost-saving measures and streamlining operations.
Implementation: The group from Oak Digital Consulting will then work with the client to implement the plan and make any necessary changes to business operations. This step may include training employees, implementing new systems and processes, and monitoring progress towards financial goals.
Ongoing Monitoring: The company will provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that the plan is being effectively executed and that any necessary adjustments are made. This step may include regular financial reviews, progress reports, and follow-up consultations.
Conclusion: Finally, the company provides a final report that summarises the results of the operational and financial planning service and includes recommendations for ongoing financial management and growth. The report has different financial scenarios and is accompanied by a financial system where you can easily track your financial indicators.


Improved financial performance: The service helps your businesses to identify areas where they can reduce costs and increase revenue, leading to improved financial performance and increased profitability.
Better decision makingial and operational state, which allows you to make more informed and strategic decisions.
Increased efficiency: By streamlining operations and implementing cost-saving measures,your businesses can become more efficient and productive, which can lead to cost savings and improved bottom-line results.
Reduced risk: By identifying potential financial risks and developing plans to mitigate them, your businesses can reduce the risk of financial failure.
Long-term sustainability: A well-planned and executed financial and operational strategy can help your business to achieve long-term sustainability and growth.
Better visibility and control: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of financial and operational data will helpyour businesses to have better visibility and control over their business performance and make adjustments accordingly.
Increased competitiveness: A well-managed business can be more competitive in the market and attract more customers and investors.


Luiza Schuch de Azambuja
Research advisor, smart cities
Nadim Baker
Project consultant and research associate
Timo Behrmann
Research advisor, digital identity and digital transformation
Nathan Carvalho
Founder and chief executive officer (CEO)
Joep Crompvoets
Chief procurement director (CPO) and principal research scientist
Bruna Fraga
Project consultant and research associate
Lucy Temple
Project manager and senior research associate

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