Market and competitor analysis
Market and competitor analysis


Market and competitor analysis service provides in-depth research and analysis on your industry and competitors. Extensive market research is conducted to identify key trends and opportunities, as well as gather data on competitors' strengths and weaknesses. The analysis includes a detailed report on the current market landscape, including market size and growth projections, and a competitive analysis that identifies key players and their market positioning.

A benchmark with different metrics is created to analyse the type of competitors your business has and how strong/weak they are in these defined metrics. Recommendations for positioning your company in the market and strategies for staying ahead of the competition are also provided. With this service, you will have the information you need to make informed business decisions and stay competitive in your industry.


Define the scope and objectives of the analysis: Determine the specific industry or market you want to analyse and what information you hope to gain from the analysis.
Gather market data: Collect data on the size and growth of the market, including historical and projected trends. This can include information on market segments, demographics, and geographic regions.
Identify competitors: Research and identify the key players in the market, including both direct and indirect competitors. Gather information on their products, services, pricing, marketing strategies, and overall market position.
Analyse the market and competitors: Use the data collected to analyse the market and the competitive landscape. Identify market trends, opportunities, and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
Develop recommendations: Use the insights gained from the analysis to develop recommendations for how to position your company in the market and strategies for staying competitive.
Create a report: Summarise the findings and recommendations in a clear and concise report that can be shared with stakeholders.
Continuously monitoring the market and competitors: Keep track of any changes in the market and competitors, and repeat the analysis as needed to ensure that your company stays competitive.


A better understanding of the market: A market analysis allows you to gain a deep understanding of the market, including its size, growth prospects, and key trends.
Improved competitiveness: By analysing your competitors, you can identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to gain a competitive edge.
Increased chances of success: With a clear understanding of the market and your competition, you can make more informed business decisions and increase your chances of success.
Identifying new opportunities: The analysis allows you to identify new opportunities in the market, such as untapped segments or emerging trends, and position your company to take advantage of them.
Better decision-making: By providing a comprehensive overview of the market and competition, the analysis can help you make more informed decisions about product development, pricing, marketing, and other key business areas.
Increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness: By understanding the market and your competition, you can make more effective use of your resources and avoid costly mistakes.
Continuously monitoring the market and competitors : By continuously monitoring the market and competitors, you can adapt to changes in the market and stay ahead of the competition.


Luiza Schuch de Azambuja
Research advisor, smart cities
Nadim Baker
Project consultant and research associate
Timo Behrmann
Research advisor, digital identity and digital transformation
Nathan Carvalho
Founder and chief executive officer (CEO)
Joep Crompvoets
Chief procurement director (CPO) and principal research scientist
Bruna Fraga
Project consultant and research associate
Lucy Temple
Project manager and senior research associate

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