Initial coin offering (ICO) launch and company registration
Initial coin offering (ICO) launch and company registration


The service offers comprehensive support for launching an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and registering a crypto company. This includes assistance in creating a whitepaper, developing smart contracts, and building a website to promote the ICO. The team of experts will also guide clients in navigating the legal and regulatory requirements for launching an ICO and registering the company, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Ongoing support is provided after launch, including marketing and community management to help build a strong community of investors and supporters. The goal is to help clients launch a successful ICO and establish their crypto company as a reputable and trustworthy player in the industry.


Idea and concept development: Defining the idea and creating a detailed concept for the new coin, which outlines the proposed solution, the market and target audience.
Whitepaper creation: Creating a whitepaper, which is a comprehensive document that describes the project, its technical details, and the token to be sold.
Website and smart contract development: Building a website to promote the ICO and creating smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.
Legal and regulatory compliance: Ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations related to ICOs and cryptocurrency.
Marketing and community management: Promoting the ICO and building a community of investors and supporters through various marketing channels and managing the community through various channels.


Access to funding: An ICO can provide a startup or a new business with access to funding from a global pool of investors.
Liquidity: Tokens can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges, providing liquidity for investors.
Decentralisation: An ICO can provide a way to decentralise a business model, which can increase transparency and trust.
Global reach: An ICO can attract investors from all over the world.
Faster fundraising: An ICO can provide a faster fundraising option compared to traditional fundraising methods.


Luiza Schuch de Azambuja
Research advisor, smart cities
Nadim Baker
Project consultant and research associate
Timo Behrmann
Research advisor, digital identity and digital transformation
Nathan Carvalho
Founder and chief executive officer (CEO)
Joep Crompvoets
Chief procurement director (CPO) and principal research scientist
Bruna Fraga
Project consultant and research associate
Lucy Temple
Project manager and senior research associate

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