Business and project branding
Related capability: Branding and brand strategy
Business and project branding


This service offers comprehensive solutions for creating and implementing strong brand identities. Clients will work closely with the group from Oak Digital Consulting to understand the vision and goals, and this information is used to develop brand guidelines, logos, messaging, and visual elements that effectively communicate the brand to the target audience. Ongoing support is provided to ensure consistent application of the brand across all marketing materials, both online and offline.

Whether a startup looking to establish a brand from scratch or an established business looking to rebrand, the group has the expertise and experience to help build a brand that stands out and resonates with the target audience.


Brand research: This step involves conducting market research and analysing the target audience to gain a better understanding of their needs and preferences.
Brand strategy: Using the information gathered in the research phase, a brand strategy is developed to guide the direction of the new brand. A brand personality is chosen to better communicate with the target audience along with a brand guideline.
Identity development: This is where the visual elements of the brand, such as the logo, colour palette, and typography, are developed and refined. All these variables are created according with the previous steps of the process.
Brand implementation: The brand identity is then applied to various materials, such as a website, business cards, packaging, documents, presentations and so on.
Ongoing support: The brand engagement is monitored and evaluated over time, and any necessary adjustments are made to ensure it continues to effectively communicate to the target audience.


Increased brand recognition and awareness: A well-crafted brand identity can make it easier for people to remember and recognize your brand, making it more likely that they will choose your products or services over those of your competitors.
EU projects: In the context of EU projects, a strong brand identity can help to increase visibility and awareness of the project, attract partners and stakeholders, and create a sense of cohesiveness among the project team. Additionally, a strong brand identity can help to communicate the project's goals, objectives and impact to a wider audience, making it easier to secure funding and support.
Differentiation from competitors: By creating a unique and memorable brand identity, you can stand out from other similar businesses in the market and make it clear what makes your company special.
Building trust and credibility with customers: A strong brand identity can help to build trust and credibility with your target audience by communicating your company's values, mission, and personality.
Improved customer loyalty: By building trust and credibility with your customers, you can create a loyal customer base that will continue to support your business over time.
Increased perceived value of products or services: A well-crafted brand identity can make your products or services seem more valuable, leading to higher perceived quality and more willing customers to pay premium prices.
Enhanced ability to charge premium prices: A strong brand identity can make it easier to justify charging higher prices for your products or services, as your customers will perceive them as more valuable.


Luiza Schuch de Azambuja
Research advisor, smart cities
Nadim Baker
Project consultant and research associate
Timo Behrmann
Research advisor, digital identity and digital transformation
Nathan Carvalho
Founder and chief executive officer (CEO)
Joep Crompvoets
Chief procurement director (CPO) and principal research scientist
Bruna Fraga
Project consultant and research associate
Lucy Temple
Project manager and senior research associate

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